OBD Codes
Your OBD-II Trouble Codes Repair Site

OBD-II (Check Engine Light) Trouble Codes

Welcome to OBD-Codes.com, your headquarters for everything OBD-II related. For more information on what OBD codes are, OBD-II codes explained, explanation of fuel trims, or answers to other questions, visit our FAQ area.

The most common OBD-II codes are P0___ powertrain codes, which are linked below on this page, along with P2___ generic & P3___ generic codes. Second most common seem to be P1___ powertrain codes, which are manufacturer specific. For the other OBD-II codes, choose from B**** - B Codes - OBD-II Body Codes or C**** - C Codes - Chassis Codes, and U**** - U - Network Codes.

Generic Powertrain Trouble Codes

This list contains standard diagnostic trouble codes (DTC's) that are used by all manufacturers to identify vehicle problems. The codes provide below are generic codes that may not apply to all vehicles. Vehicle manufacturers may use manufacturer specific DTC codes that differ slightly from the codes below.

NOTICE: Due to the massive amount of codes in the listing, we have split them up into multiple pages. Choose the section of codes based on the first three characters of the code (e.g. P0171 is on the P01xx or P0100 through P0199 page):


If you're unsure where to find code information, we highly recommend you just use the search feature instead to get help!

We recommend that you not depend on the DTC codes in this list for vehicle repairs until you confirm the generic DTC codes apply to your vehicle(s). The list below is for information purposes only and is not intended for use in vehicle repairs.

P1*** Manufacturer Specific Trouble Codes

If your DTC (diagnostic trouble code) begins with P1___, that means it's a manufacturer specific code. For more information on P1 codes, choose your vehicle make below:

NOTE: This information is presented for information purposes only. It is not intended as repair advice and we are not responsible for any actions you take on any vehicle. All information on this site is copyright protected.